Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 days of Play - Ready, Set, GO

Leisa asked if I wanted a challenge....well, no, I don't want a challenge...I have enough of those.  But this challenge seemed more like an invitation to "play" so I said, "Of course" and jumped in with both "eyes" so to speak.  I think Kris and Lisa are also "play friends" in this challenge.  The challenge is to take a photo a day for a whole year!  Yikes, I need a lot more subjects who are willing to pose for me.  But here I go.

I also signed up for a class from Karen Russell (Snapshots of a Good Life).  I thought if I had a reason to practice taking snapshots, I could make sure to take one every day. The trick is (and really the challenge) is to take your camera off the AUTO setting (small scream trying to get out) and use manual settings.  It's scary to do this.  AUTO at least captures the moment so I don't miss it, but it's a bad default for a real photographer. I'm not a real photographer, but I'd like to improve and pretend for a I'm playing.

I think we were supposed to pick a theme (although I'm not 100% sure it's true) and I decided on the word 


 to help me find subjects or compositions.  Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder...corny, but true.
 Beautiful Smiling Eyes (Miss Audrey)
 Beauty of Illumination
A "Beauty" of an incision

I know you are all wondering "why?" I chose the last photo...This is how we started our 2014 A.D.  Trevor was the lucky recipient of a 9" incision for a ruptured appendix.  Now you understand my statement at the beginning that we don't really need any more challenges at our home and why I'd rather "play".....

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